GEDI 2019

In May-June 2019, the NASA LVIS Facility and LVIS Classic were deployed to sites in the Southeastern United States as well as Central America as part of an airborne campaign to provide calibration and validation of the recently-launched Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) payload on the International Space Station. During the three week deployment of LVIS, a total of 5 flights were flown over diverse science targets based out of Ellington Field in Houston, TX. Flight trajectories and preliminary coverage maps are available on this page.

Use the python code posted here to view the data products from this mission.

LVIS Mission Information

LVIS Lidars
Instruments: LVIS Facility LVIS Classic
Flight Platform: NASA Gulfstream V
Nominal Flight Altitude: 41,000'
Nominal LVIS Swath Width: 2.5 km (200 mrad)
Nominal Footprint Diameter: 10m
(0.75 mrad)
(2 mrad)
LVIS Cameras
Camera Model: Canon EOS 5DS R
Lens Models: Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar
T* 100mm f/2 ZE
Carl Zeiss Planar
T* 85mm f/1.4 ZE
Image Resolution: 50.3 Megapixels
8688px x 5792px
50.3 Megapixels
5792px x 8688px
Nominal Resolution: 4.2km x 2.8km (0.5m/px) 3.3km x 4.9km (0.6m/px)
Nominal Overlap: 67% 80%
Data Product: LVISCAM1 (mounted next to LVIS Facility) LVISCAM2 (mounted next to LVIS Classic)



  • KEFD - Ellington Field (Houston, TX, USA)

Data Products

LVIS Data Products Format Download Location
Flight TrajectoriesKMZThis page
Coverage MapsKMZThis page
LVIS L1A Camera ImageryJPG*NSIDC1, NASA EarthData
LVIS Classic L1B Geolocated WaveformsHDF, LDS 2.0.3NSIDC1, NASA EarthData
LVIS Classic L2 Elevation and Height ProductsASCII TXT, LDS 2.0.3NSIDC1, NASA EarthData
LVIS Facility L1B Geolocated WaveformsHDF, LDS 2.0.3NSIDC1, NASA EarthData
LVIS Facility L2 Elevation and Height ProductsASCII TXT, LDS 2.0.3NSIDC1, NASA EarthData

1 At NSIDC, search for date ranges 01 May 2019 through 31 Aug 2019

View MJD Date Region / Remarks GPS Flight Trajectory Preliminary LVIS Coverage* (Key) L2 Gridded KMZs† Photo KMZs†
Classic Facility CAM1 CAM2
58624 21 May 2019 GEDI tracks in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico [kmz] [kmz] [ZG 1/2]
[ZG 2/2]
[RH95 1/2]
[RH95 2/2]
[kmz] [kmz]
58626 23 May 2019 GEDI tracks in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida [kmz] [kmz] [ZG 1/2]
[ZG 2/2]
[RH95 1/2]
[RH95 2/2]
[kmz] [kmz]
58627 24 May 2019 East-West mapping in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, [kmz] [kmz] [ZG 1/2]
[ZG 2/2]
[RH95 1/2]
[RH95 2/2]
[kmz] [kmz]
58632 29 May 2019 Coweeta Forest Mapping in Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and GEDI tracks in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana [kmz] [kmz] [ZG 1/2]
[ZG 2/2]
[RH95 1/2]
[RH95 2/2]
[kmz] [kmz]
58638 04 Jun 2019 La Selva Biological Station Mapping and Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica, GEDI tracks in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua [kmz] [kmz] [ZG 1/2]
[ZG 2/2]
[RH95 1/2]
[RH95 2/2]
[kmz] [kmz]
58676 12 Jul 2019 Houston to Yellowknife, GEDI Reference Ground Tracks [kmz] [kmz] [ZG 1/2]
[ZG 2/2]
[RH95 1/2]
[RH95 2/2]
[kmz] [kmz]
58702 06 Aug 2019 Fairbanks to Salt Lake City, ICESat-2, Wind River, GEDI Reference Ground Tracks [kmz] [kmz] [ZG 1/2]
[ZG 2/2]
[RH95 1/2]
[RH95 2/2]
[kmz] [kmz]
58702 07 Aug 2019 Salt Lake City to Houston, GEDI Reference Ground Tracks [kmz] [kmz] [ZG 1/2]
[ZG 2/2]
[RH95 1/2]
[RH95 2/2]
[kmz] [kmz]
May - Aug 2019 All Flights [kmz]

*Preliminary LVIS Coverage locations are generated shortly after a flight and based on quicklook product information and are intended for general guidance only.
Key: Red=0%, Pink=1-10%, Orange=10-20%, Yellow=20-50%, Green=50-100%
†Warning: Gridded and Photo KMZ files are large and may take some time to load in Google Earth